Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"the biggest political scandal in American political history."

In PowerLine, Scott Johnson writes about Andrew McCarthy's new book entitled,
Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency. What we have here is the biggest political scandal in American political history.

...McCarthy mostly lets the facts speak for themselves and allows the reader to draw his own conclusions, although he states upfront: “[I]n 2016, the incumbent Democratic administration of President Barack Obama put the awesome powers of the United States government’s law enforcement and intelligence apparatus in the service of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the Democratic Party, and the progressive Beltway establishment.”

A few pages later McCarthy puts it this way: “This book contends that the Obama administration, abetted by Washington’s politically progressive order, exploited its control of law-enforcement and intelligence agencies to help Clinton and undermine Trump. This was a scandalous abuse of power.”

...In addition, when Trump improbably won the election, Obama and his men turned the investigation into an ongoing effort to undo it. McCarthy shows how, after Trump’s inauguration, the effort continued secretly under Trump’s nose. It represents, you might say, the audacity of nope.

In this book, McCarthy provides the evidence and a host of lucidly developed arguments. The exposition is masterful. Although the style is breezy, almost conversational, and the book is easy reading, McCarthy hands up a stinging indictment that calls for a day of reckoning.
Read more here.

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