Saturday, August 17, 2019

Just Need a Little Feel Good Today

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

I don’t know what life has been like for all y’all, but it is a little intense here from time to time. Okay, seemingly almost all the time. Not only have we been on Pete’s cancer journey for more than a year, but there was the loss of our beloved Blue just last month. However, even amidst the trials, there are joys. I decided today’s WoolyMammoth should be about the happy and let the tribulation sit this one out!

At the top of my celebration list for today is that Pete is nearly finished with his final course of cancer treatment. He has only eight treatments days left! He will be through with radiation and chemo on 28 August. Just one year and 18 days since we started along this path with his first hospital stay in 2018. It is also nice for us today that he is on his “off” days for the weekend and does not resume treatment until Monday.

Next on my list of what is good in life is our new puppy! We have finally got it all finalized and We will get to pick Jake up on 29 August. There is a bonus to the puppy happy since we will also be picking up a puppy for our daughter, Charly, and her family. Their puppy’s name is Blaze. There is a lot of good feelings to be had with the addition of two Great Dane puppies to the extended family!

Charly, and her husband, Casey, are going to come spend part of the day with us to prep for the incoming puppies. We need to clean and prepare crates. One huge crate for travel and an even larger one for my puppy to use during his “nursery” age stage. I really am almost as excited as when I was prepping baby nurseries for kids or grandkids. I do love little ones. Be it baby, puppy, or kitty. And, the bonus is getting to visit with Charly and Casey over work and lunch.

Pete and I end each day with a little bedtime ritual. We read a happy scripture verse. We say a good night prayer. There is, of course, a good night kiss (sometimes outside under the full moon), Plus, we share our “happy for the day”.

A “happy for the day” is one thing in our day that was good. It allows us to sorta kinda count our blessings. Allows us to end the day on a positive note. To look through what might have been a tough day and find at least one good happening. Or, even better, it might have us searching through a list of happy times to select our favorite. But, whether one or many, sharing our happy with each other makes us realize that life is really better than we sometimes think. We have to acknowledge that we really are usually much
more blessed than we are stressed.

Sometimes it is so hard to select just one happy that we will “cheat” and have two or even three happys in our list. But, I think that is a totally allowable cheat. After all, the more the merrier if it is counting blessings, right?

I hope for all y’all a blessed weekend. May you look back on your days and count your blessings, even if it is to only think of the one that really stood out. Go ahead and share it with a loved one, in your journal, or even on social media. Also make sure to send a lil thank you to the Man Upstairs for another day of goodness. Life truly is good. Thank you, Jesus!

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