Thursday, August 15, 2019

Coup timeline

Bookworm writes an incredibly detailed analysis of events related to the attempt by some FBI and DOJ officials to stage a coup against President Trump. She concludes with this summary.
As for whether what I describe above constitutes a coup attempt, I’m reasonably confident that it does. The documents available to the public reveal that the FBI and the DOJ deliberately and consistently lied by omission to the FISA Court. This is worse than lying to an ordinary court in which the opposing party is present and can fight back against the government claims. The FISA Court is an utterly secret proceeding that is kept from tyranny only because of the requirement that the government must make available to the judge, not only information supporting the government’s petition, but also weaknesses in the government’s petition. When the government manifestly and purposefully violates those rules, it is committing a criminal act – and in this case, it committed the criminal act in an effort to destroy, first, an opposition presidential candidate, second, a president-elect, and third, an actual president. I think that there is more than sufficient probable cause to investigate all of that.

Bookworm concludes her diligent and brilliant piece by giving a timeline of important events that took place between March 2016 and October 24 2017.
Read it all here.

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