Saturday, August 24, 2019

Babes in Toyland

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

There seems to be an ongoing issue with the Left and all things toys. Not so much "Babes in Toyland" as "Whiny brat baby butts in Toyland"! One of their pathetic cries for equality or whatever came recently in the form of a meme featuring Barbie and He-Man. Barbie all gorgeous and shapely with her perfect hair and tiny waist. He-Man almost nude and warrior-esque with his rippling muscles and giant sword. In reality, neither of them in the least presented as anything except creatures of fantasy for the amusement of children and the collections of adult aficionados.

On this meme it mentioned the following:This is Barbie.
Throughout the years she has been the center of much controversy, because feminists claim she represents an unrealistic, unhealthy, and unfair standard of beauty, leading to a "crisis" for young girls and their self-esteem.This is He-Man.(There was nothing else written. He apparently does not cause a "crisis" in young male offspring.)

Perhaps this is the problem for the Feminazis. Maybe they would prefer that males were as traumatized by He-Man as Feminazis seem to be by Barbie. Maybe if they look to their Beta Male cohorts they will find the traumatized males to suit their narrative. But, I am pretty sure most Alpha Males are not worrying about what He-Man or GI Joe look like. Personally, I always thought GI Joe made a better boyfriend for my Barbies than Ken. But, then again, I was an Air Force brat and loved all things military!

My oldest daughter loved her He-Man characters. My youngest daughter loved her Barbie dolls. My oldest daughter was more of a "tom boy", My youngest daughter was more of a "miss priss". They were healthy and happy kids. Both are now healthy and happy adults. Both are married to good men. Both have children. Their children are healthy and happy. You see, we always looked at toys as tools for imagination, not representations of reality. Hence no crisis for any of us in so far as wanting to be Barbie or He-Man or looking for a living Barbie or He-Man.

Meanwhile, I really am the Feminazi nightmare. I was a stay-home wife and mother who is now a stay-home wife and grandmother. I like to cook and sew. I collect dolls. My in-home business is one of the classics in womanly, homemaking skills: making quilts. If that is not enough, I write Conservative essays for online posting. I guess I haven't done any of it right! Or . . . maybe I have done all of it Right (as in Republican and Red).

But, for me, toys have always been objects of joy, not threatening or scary or critical. Except for dolls with teeth. Dolls with teeth are definitely scary. Creepy even. But, otherwise, toys, particularly dolls, are reminders of the days of my childhood which were filled with great escapes into the fantasyland of my imagination. I have a walkin-in closet in my home that my husband helped me convert into what is basically a walk-in doll case for my collection. Not only do I love to show it to family, friends, and visitors, I like to just go look at it and visit my memories. Mini-vacations to the past for my mind. It is a bit of joy in a sometimes harsh world.

I think one of the problems with the Left, and Femininazis in particular, is their seeming inability to celebrate anything joyous. They seem to be so bogged down with envy, hate, and anger. Constantly looking to find fault and assign blame. Are these people completely incapable of ever counting their blessings or choosing happiness? It seems so to me.

But, while they are looking for all the sorrows in the world, ofttimes just making sorrows up to meet their current mantra, I will be happily counting my blessings . . . and my dolls. I will celebrate the remembered joys of my childhood and the current joys of my adulthood. While I am no longer a "Babe in Toyland", my husband thinks I am definitely cute enough to be his "babe", whether in Toyland or the real world. That works for me!

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