Friday, August 02, 2019

Are we going to "nice" ourselves to death?

Andrew plays a clip of Michael Moore trying to convince Michelle Obama to enter the 2020 race. It would be the ultimate Right vs. Left matchup. It is amazing how Obama destroyed the Democratic party while remaining popular himself.

The one word you never hear in a Democratic debate is liberty. Everything the government controls comes at the expense of your liberty.

They are also not talking about growth, building stuff.

Andrew plays a clip of Elijah Cummings from 20 years ago talking about how his District in Baltimore is a "drug-infested area, where 14- or 15-year-old children are walking around like zombies!"

"Progressive" is a competition of who can be the nicest. If Donald Trump said something like what Cummings said he would be crucified! The internet is the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats, because it preserves videos or words they said in the past when they were not as "progressive" as they are now! Of course, many of these old clips vanish as the candidates become more progressive!

The media were shocked that the candidates kept picking on Obama. Progressives always progress away from the past. The guy behind you has always been doing wrong. Progressives try to make you feel guilty so they can justify taking stuff from you. If you elect Donald Trump, you will not be nice!

Peter Whittle is today's guest. He is a British author and politician who hosts a YouTube show entitled "So what you're saying is." People voted to Brexit but the liberal establishment still doesn't understand why people voted to Brexit. The only thing that is discussed is what is the effect going to be on the economy. He doubts Britain will be out of the European Union by October 31.

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