Saturday, July 06, 2019

The New York Times don't like the things that make America great!

Michael takes on the New York Times, which produced a video about America not being so great. Michael points out that for many years now our schools have been teaching our children that America is not great. The thing we are not learning is all the great stuff that America has done! The video criticizes America for being too poor, too fat, infant mortality (never mind the sacred right of abortion). They criticize us for spending the most money on healthcare, but we also actually have the best healthcare in the world.

The video complains about our democracy. Michael reminds us that we are not a democracy; we're a republic! If we are so dumb, how are we managing to be number one in the economy and the military?

Here are the things the NY Times video criticizes us for being number one. Civilian gun ownership! Guns protect us from bad guys, including tyrannical politicians. Mass shootings? Yes, they are awful, but not the main way people are killed in America. T.V. watching? If t.v. is so bad, why did you make this video essay? Why didn't you just write words and publish them in your paper? Prescription drug abuse? Suffering from an abundance of available medicine! Prison population? Is it a bad thing that we are protected from criminals? Environmental damage? We pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord and we are leading the world in reducing carbon emissions.

The New York Times doesn't even come close to making an argument that America isn't great. What they do is show that they don't like America!

Michael's guest is Carl Benjamin, Sargon of Akkad, whose big issue is free speech. The progressive Left view him as a Nazi, which he says happens to anyone who challenges the political Left. YouTube demonetized him and he was kicked off Patreon. Also, YouTube is deranking him on YouTube algorithms. It is also happening to Dave Ruben and Tim Pool. Carl believes it is the right thing to do to draw the Left out and get them to be censorious because it becomes apparent that they do not consider us to be people of rights, actual humans!

Michael asks, "How do we fight back against Big Tech censorship?" Carl says there are two ways. Silicon Calley Big Techs are a monopoly cartel. There is every reason to think that ant-trust laws can successfully be used. Failing that, it becomes imperative for non-Leftists to build their own domains. The Left didn't build this; it coopted this!

The right is generally quite Libertarian, and principledly so. Carl and Michael are not libertarians because they believe there is a role for the state to protect our rights.

Michael then gets to the mailbag. First question: should Trump dump Pence? No. Keep the coalition. Stay loyal to a man who is doing a good job. If he runs in 2024 against someone like Haley then it would be appropriate to sit back and praise them both and see who the voters select.

Michael ends by telling the incredible story of Samuel Whittemore, who at age 78 fought heroically in the Revolutionary War.

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