Thursday, July 25, 2019

The emasculated United Kingdom

In the Ace of Spades blog, co-blogger CBD expresses some thoughts about Iran and Great Britain.
The issue isn't the size and reach of the Royal Navy; it has been shrinking for years. The issue is that the United Kingdom has been emasculated by its elites, who would rather kowtow to the maniacal SJWs and cultivate voting blocs within immigrant populations than defend the culture and history of their country. The result is a country without a core; one that is unwilling to defend itself even in response to a direct and obvious provocation from a country that is reeling from sanctions and is lashing out at the world. The UK could easily mount a small military operation that would send a clear signal to the Mad Mullahs that pirating British ships is not a winning plan. A few cruise missiles (they still have them) into Iran's oil infrastructure, or even into their military command and control would be sufficient.
Yes, this sounds suspiciously like the now thoroughly discredited neo-cons of 20 years ago, but sometimes it is appropriate to meet provocation with force. Nobody has bloodied the Iranians' nose (except Israel) in many years. It is time to remind them of their position in the world.
Read more here.

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