Monday, July 22, 2019

Snowflakes, S.J.W.s, and Cucks

Ace of Spades takes the time to define some phrases or words now being commonly used in internet warfare.

Actual definition: Taken from "special snowflake," refers to anyone who feels the world owes them outsized deference and sensitivity because they're so special and they just might melt if they're triggered by disagreement.


Actual definition: "Social justice warrior." An ironical designation given to the most strident, militant, speech-patrolling thought-controlling advocates for identarianism, which they call "social justice," meaning "group/race justice," as opposed to individual justice, also known as actual justice, formerly known simply as "justice," period.

Actual definition: Shortened from "cuckold." A man who is either cuckolded by other men, or who is a willing participant in the weird subculture in which men actually invite other men to have sex with their wives, because they get off on the humiliation and degradation. (Shame is part of the kink.)

Also means, by extension, weak, ineffectual men, submissive men, weaklings, cowards, dupes. Those who bend over any time a progressive demands they do so.

Someone who would give up his own ass or his wife's ass just to fit in with the Swells.
Read more here.

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