Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Progressives are actually regressive. Conservatives are actually progressive!

In his opening two minutes, Andrew takes on the new darling of the Democrats, Kamala Harris.

Then, he continues with his thoughts about what is going on in America. He says the divide is between friends and enemies of the American founding ideas. Friends of the founding ideas try new things but with a tried and true system, the Constitution. In fact, if you think about it, conservatives are progressive, while progressives are actually regressive! The Left wants to return to the age-old racist divisions. Conservatives don't want to return to the top-down government that has been the norm since Pharoah. That is what the Left wants. Conservatives believe people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

So many of our big corporations who became big in America change when they go global. Gone is the patriotism! Nike pulled the shoes they were going to debut this weekend with a picture of Betsy Ross's original American flag. They have become slaves ow whatever outrage mob comes along. This time it was multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick who complained.

Jenna Ellis Rives comes on to talk with Andrew about recent Supreme Court decisions. Justice Roberts is a #NeverTrumper. Gorsuch has been an outstanding originalist. Kavanaugh not so much.

Andrew then opened the mailbag of questions from subscribers.

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