Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"In the grips of a hysterical delusion"

In response to this article in the Guardian, Ace of Spades explodes.
Andrew McCabe and Jeremy Fleming of MI-5 Shared Conspiratorial Texts, Wondering If Brexit Wasn't, Like Trump, the Work of #MuhRussians
—Ace of Spades
These people are literally insane, and were in the grips of a hysterical delusion -- "without evidence," as the hysterical leftwing media might say -- and they run the fucking world without our consent and in secrecy.

These "intelligence officials" are so completely out-of-touch they cannot fathom even the possibility that the wider public might deviate from the BBC/MSM line that defines their reality, and immediately suspect RUSSIAN AGENTS must be behind any deviation from the expected left-liberal upper middle class consensus that they believe is the only mode of thought or possibility in the world.

These people selectively leak to the media so that the media will report a false impression of the contours of reality, and then, incredibly, they believe the false impression of reality that they know they themselves helped conjure up from ideology, fantasy, and lies.

These people are scary and evil, and what's worse, they are pig-ignorant and stupid and completely incompetent. They can't even pull off a conspiracy, despite having the entire law enforcement and intelligence apparatus of not one but two great power nations behind them.

They must all be purged from government and many of them need to be jailed.

Some must be -- seriously -- committed.
Read more here.

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