Monday, July 22, 2019

From day one, Trump has been Hitler in the eyes of Democrats. What does he have to lose?

Scott looks at the Georgia supermarket dispute between two Democrats and concludes one was an asshole and the other a dick.

There is research showing that incidents of racism of whites toward blacks have sharply declined since the Trump presidency began, a decline which did not happen during the Obama presidency. Scott thinks the incidences of racism by blacks toward whites is probably sharply up.

In the real world, according to Scott, things have gotten better, but you wouldn't know that from reading and watching media news.

Being on the brink of war looks exactly like being on the brink of peace! Iran has created an asset to give up! The NY Times interviewed Ahmadinejad, who said, "Mr. Trump is a man of action. He is a businessman and therefore he is capable of calculating cost benefits and making a decision." That's the middle ground, where we should all be! If you are having that conversation, you are headed toward peace! Trump does not think small. Iran can see that the United States is perfectly capable of turning our most violent enemies into best friends (Japan and Germany).

Scott feels that Trump may have ended the election with his three tweets that Geraldo called "manifestly offensive." From day one, the Democrats' starting point was, "He's Hitler!" What is the risk for Trump?

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