Saturday, July 27, 2019

"Do we run technology or does technology run us?"

In American Greatness, Debra Heine writes about
another Google whistleblower has come forward to ring alarm bells about how the left-leaning tech industry uses algorithms to manipulate the masses. For the past year, Project Veritas has been investigating political bias at big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

Greg Coppola, a senior software engineer who works on artificial intelligence at Google’s New York office, said he contacted Project Veritas out of concern that Big Tech and the media have merged with the Democrat party to sway political elections.

Heine quotes Coppola as telling Project Veritas,
Robert Epstein, a computer expert (and Democrat) who testified before Congress last week, said that the political bias of Google, Twitter, Facebook and other platforms could manipulate up to 15 million middle-of-the-road voters “without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace.”

...“We have to decide now that we are seeing tech use it’s power to manipulate people,” he added. “It’s a time to decide. Do we run the technology or does the technology run us?”

He told O’Keefe that he came forward as an expert in the field to assure non-programmers that Big Tech is not politically neutral and Google is without a doubt “very politically biased.”
Read more here.

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