Monday, July 29, 2019

Democratic Party: The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Racism.

In PJ Media, Roger L. Simon writes,
These days one might as well call the Democratic Party The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Racism.

Did this have anything to do with Cummings being black? Of course not. But it certainly has to do with Cummings' own over-the-top characterization of our southern border, which Trump considered radically unfair and purely politically motivated. Tit for tat. We've seen that from Trump before and will again. He punches back, sometimes too easily. But color is of no consequence, not even slightly. You could be a card-carrying member of the DAR descended directly from Betsy Ross and Trump would go after you if you went after him.

And speaking of unfair, exactly what is the condition of Baltimore today? Like most American cities governed for decades by Democrats — from Detroit to now Los Angeles, San Franciso, and Seattle with their ghastly homeless epidemics — the word "miserable" seems appropriate or perhaps "wretched" or "revolting" (but not in the sense of revolutionary; in the sense of "What a revoltin' development this is" in The Life of Riley).

And is Baltimore safe? US News gives it a poor rating, 3.9/10, stating: "Baltimore's crime rate is significantly higher than the national rate, with the metro area experiencing its fair share of violent crime – particularly within the city proper." As for Trump's accusation of its being "rat-infested," it ranks eighth nationally here and ninth here. That's out of some 35,000 cities in this country. I'm not sure how many of those got surveyed by Orkin, but Baltimore's results are not exactly auspicious.

The conclusion we are supposed to glean from this, the rule of rules that must be obeyed at all costs, is that whites are always wrong when criticizing blacks. That conception is quite simply mentally deranged. It is sick, completely reactionary politically and inherently racist in and of itself. And yet it is adhered to by the Democratic Party and their media lackeys with an orthodoxy even Opus Dei would envy.
Read more here.

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