Friday, July 26, 2019

David Berlinski

David Berlinski is author of The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions. Peter Robinson interviews him.

How did it happen that Marxism swept its field so completely that one hundred million people had to die before people realized that's not such a swell theory?

Darwin's theory also swept its field. Why? Academics throughout the western world will believe anything! Once they believe something, the conspiracy is held tenaciously! It allowed academics to participate in a cultural war against religion. Darwinism provides a substitute for a Biblical account. We really don't know. Ours is only one of many, many universes. What is unlikely in this one may be likely when we consider all of them!

Western science is saturated by faith! The National Academy of Sciences is an institutional source of authority and power. Scientists cannot disprove the existence of God!

The Old Testament is the greatest repository of human knowledge and wisdom in the history of civilization!

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