Saturday, July 20, 2019

Contempt for America

The news media is making us stupider. Andrew acknowledges one exception: Brett Baier's show on Fox News. The rest of the media only report one side. Donald Trump has brought out the truth of their contempt for America. The world is about ideas. Most of the people are on the side of the founding documents. Utopia has never existed and never will!

Andrew's guest is Wilfred McClay from the University of Oklahoma. He is Director of the Center for the History of Liberty and he has a new book entitled, Land of Hope, an Invitation to the Great American Story. He says that most historians are Leftwing. Howard Zinn's books about America always elevate the underprivileged or minorities and the bad guys are always rich white guys, and his are the textbooks our public schools use to teach our children about America.

McClay sees America falling apart, because people don't remember what we are, what we have been, they don't have a knowledge of our founding principles. They don't have a memory that is a source of gratitude about being American. We ought to extend generosity to our own country like we do to those we love, none of whom are perfect.

We are a country that invented our own institutions. No kings. Equality was enshrined. We rule ourselves! A nation of laws. The Founders would be astonished that we are about to celebrate our 250th anniversary, because they knew the pitfalls previous governments experienced.

Andrew talks about how technological change is coming so fast (is he referring to Google's ability to influence election outcomes?) Tucker Carlson wants to slow down innovation, which Andrew does not agree with. McClay wrote a book called Why Place Matters, and Andrew asks him is there something that can be done to keep communities from disappearing without stopping technological advance? McClay answers that some technological innovations, like telecommuting, can actually help us stay where we are and establish roots in small towns. If I can figure out a way to monetize my blog maybe I can stay in Espanola, New Mexico and establish roots!

Andrew tells us about his event at a school in Idaho called New St. Andrews. He found the people there open-minded, tolerant of debate. The Christian press, though, negatively highlighted Andrew's tolerance of gay Americans as unBiblical. Leftwing activists are trying to create a small-minded atmosphere where Christians are seen as bigots against gays. Andrew is for welcoming gays into our churches. Leftists are working hard to achieve an anti-God, anti-family, anti-freedom culture.

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