Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Can we put this squalid farce behind us and embrace the results of the 2016 presidential election?

Here are some excerpts from Roger Kimball's article in Spectator on today's Mueller testimony.
Asked about Fusion GPS, which hired Christopher Steele to compile the infamous Russian-sourced ‘dossier’ against Trump, Mueller said that was ‘not familiar‘ with them. Uh oh.

Scary option: he was telling the truth. As I say, I almost felt sorry for Robert Mueller — emphasis on the adverb — and then I remembered how many lives that horrible fanatic had ruined over the course of his career and what he and his squadron of Trump-hating lawyers put the country through for the past three years.

...The Democrats kept saying that the Mueller report did not ‘exonerate’ the president of the charge of obstruction of justice. But special counsel reports are not in the business of exoneration. They are in the business of determining whether their investigation uncovered grounds for an indictment. If not, their work is over.

Here are two takeaways from today’s pathetic performance:

Robert Mueller really wasn’t running the investigation. His lieutenants — never-Trump crusaders or Hillary-supporting Democrats — were running the show. He was the figurehead only.
The second take-away was articulated by both Chuck Todd and Chris Wallace. The Mueller show was a ‘disaster’ for the Democrats and, indeed, as Wallace put it, a ‘disaster for the reputation of Robert Mueller.’

Why did the Democrats insist on having Mueller testify? They had already put the country — and the president — through nearly three years of a pointless investigation whose true purpose was to undo the results of a free, open, and democratic election. Trump won, Hillary lost. End of story. At least, it ought to have been the end of the story. But, as Devin Nunes said, the Democrats have insisted on treating the investigation as the search for the Loch Ness monster. The monster doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t stop them from circulating electrifying headlines and horrifying gossip.
Read more here.

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