Good morning kids. Midweek and as predicted the Democrat-Left-Media Complex is in full freak-out mode over the arrest of convicted pedophile and billionaire Democrat donor Jeffrey Epstein. The phony-baloney outrage directed at Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, who was the man who cut Epstein's original plea deal when he served as the DA for South Florida, and President Trump for not firing him as well as the insinuendos that he was BFF with Epstein are just that - phony baloney. Funny, as in disgusting how nowhere in the torrent of bile and spittle being sprayed at TV cameras and microphones can be found a scintilla of anger and rage at the individual at the center of all of this, and that is Epstein himself.
But, since a judge has ruled that his original victims can now take Epstein to court on civil charges and in light of the fact that he now faces an array of new criminal charges for everything from statutory rape to sex trafficking to kiddie porn, a lot of dirty laundry that has the potential (note the word "potential") to destroy perhaps scores of Democrat-Left-Media elites up to and including Bill Clinton, is going to be exposed to a much wider and attentive audience than back in 2007-8 when the media could still effectively kill the story.
Speaking of Bill Clinton, the impeached and disbarred ex-president released what could best be described as a hostage note attempting to distance himself from Epstein that was so chock full of crafted legalese as to be almost incoherent. Unlike the documented minimum of 27 times that he flew on the infamous "Lolita Express" in the verified company of underage nubiles, that ain't gonna fly Billy-boy.
...Again, one can argue the terms of the agreement vis a vis the nature of the original charges against Epstein or perhaps try and dig into Acosta's past in search of some deep dark secret nudge-nudge-wink-wink, or we can read his reasonable, logical explanation and defense of his actions as a prosecutor. Or, as I think we should do, we can ignore the attempt at deflection, obfuscation and character assassination being hurled at him and elsewhere and concentrate on convicted sex offender and billionaire Democrat donor Jeffrey Epstein and his pals in the Party-Hearty Party. Which is exactly what they do not want you to do, and which is why I am going to, con gusto.
Circling back, yes the media did effectively bury the Jeffrey Epstein story in anticipation that Hillary Clinton would run and win the presidency in 2008, which of course did not come to pass, and yet again in 2016 with the same result. But now, with their stranglehold on being the gatekeepers of what is and what is not news more or less broken, they can no longer ignore or effectively bury this as they did even 10 years ago. Plus, with Trump in office, the media and cultural landscape has undergone a paradigm shift. Unlike Republican presidents past, there is just no way Trump is going to allow them to smear someone on his team let alone him.
There are a couple of things in play here. Yes, I still believe that they are going to do everything they can to link Epstein to Trump and manufacture evidence or failing that fling as much dung as possible in the hopes that like everything else they have tried and failed at, this will be the magic turd that leads to impeachment and removal from office. I also think that the Upstart Maoist Brigade of the Democrats will try and use Epstein to decapitate (figuratively) the Clinton machine and with it, the old guard crypto-socialists of the party to seize control (the open war of words with Palsi Pelosi is a giant neon sign that there is trouble in Democrat paradise on earth). But all of this is not some 11-dimension chess game planned months ago. It's all reactive and smacks of desperation, and not necessarily because of Trump hatred. There's an interesting link postulating that though Epstein was and likely still is a Democrat-Leftist, he's also cunning and conniving. It's not a stretch of the imagination to think that his airplanes, homes and Pedo Island had video cameras hidden in every nook and cranny as, to coin a phrase pregnant with meaning "an insurance policy" or even blackmail. If you think the race to get Weiner's laptop was fast and furious, you ain't seen nothin' yet. And I'd wager the FBI found a lot more interesting things than kiddie porn when they raided his 5th Avenue mansion the other day. Gold, Jerry. And laced with polonium and a one way trip to Fort Marcy Park to anyone who leaks it.
Like many of you, the cynic in me thinks that, even with all of this, not even the lowliest Democrat lowlife goniffing momzer associated with Epstein will ever swing for this, let alone the Clintons. But if the Democrat-Media-Complex thinks that they can take out Trump with this, especially after everything they've tried over the past three years, they're even more clueless than I thought. Basta cosi.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
"billionaire Democrat donor Jeffrey Epstein and his pals in the Party-Hearty Party."
JJ Sefton writes in the Ace of Spades blog,
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