Monday, July 29, 2019

A Girl’s Best Friend

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

Although mothers and daughters might not always get along and see eye to eye, in so many ways, a mom really can end up being a girl’s best friend. I know this ‘cause my mother is truly an amazing woman. Oh, I do not mean that she is by any means totally perfect or an angel, but she is a for real wonderful person who pisses me off one minute and makes me feel like the most special child ever born in the next. She is a lil bit country gal, a lil bit Southern belle, a lil bit officer’s lady, and a lil bit wicked witch. In other words, she is very much the prototype that is me, my daughters, and now my granddaughters. We kinda do a cookie-cutter thing to a great extent! Hey, if you have a pattern that works, why change it???

My mother taught me to bake when I was in elementary school. She taught me so well that by the time I was in the 5th grade I was doing all the Christmas cookie baking for our holidays. She even helped me earn a stand mixer, for free, when she had a tupperware party while I was in the 7th grade. She bought me cookbooks and gave me cookbooks throughout most of my life and I now have a collection that fills many shelves. My love for cooking and baking has gone through the generations and several of my grandchildren love to cook and bake as well. It started with Mom.

My mother also taught me the basics of sewing. I cannot remember not knowing how to sew. I remember being with her as she (and sometimes we) did projects. Later on she did the greatest thing she could do and sent me to take sewing classes from professionals. Her tutelage gave me a love of sewing, but the classes she provided gave me the elite skills that really paid off. Because of her wisdom, I was able to sew my own clothes by the time I was in junior high and could develop my own patterns while in high school. My love of sewing has since led to a small in-home business making quilts. That love of fabric has also passed through the generations. My daughters have made quilts and so have some of my granddaughters. It started with Mom.

My mother was one of the people who gave me a love of reading. We always had books in the house. I literally cannot remember not knowing how to read. Mom always supported me in school to keep me from being stifled by teachers or librarians who did not understand that I read so far above grade levels that they had nothing in the schools that were suitable. That love of reading, as well as the exceptional skill, has also gone down the generations. We all love books. It started with Mom.

My mother allowed me to love and have animals. We seldom did not have a pet or several while I was growing up. This was not always easy since my father was military, but Mom made it happen, time after time. I had dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, and even a guinea pig. I cannot imagine life without my critters, Once again, down through the generations, my daughters and grandchildren are animal crazy. It started with Mom.

My mother taught or shared so many things with me. Antiques. Art. Crafts. So much more than I can mention. A love for driving fast, driving long distances, and driving after dark. To be fair, I have to admit that my dad has been a part of all of this as well. But, so much of the early years I remember Mom the most ‘cause Dad traveled a lot with the Air Force and was on TDYs around the world. So, most things started and ended with Mom.

At various times in my adult life I have lived on the same military base as my mom, or with my mom, or she’s lived with me. At other times we have been a short day’s drive apart and able to visit rather frequently. Even now, with three states between us, we are able to get together from time to time. We usually talk on the phone daily. Text regularly. Share pictures, memes, and jokes. We even go old school at times and send things by snail mail. She frequently sends me packages and I send her gift ecards.

I know not all daughters are blessed to have so many good memories of their mother. Others do not have a current good relationship with theirs. But, I have to admit that in many ways my mom really is my best friend. ‘Cause, when all is said and done, she knows me better than almost anyone else on earth. She is one of the people most likely to have my back in a crisis. And, she will cry with me or laugh with me or cuss with me when the need arises. What more can one ask of their best friend???

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