Tuesday, June 18, 2019

People are lying about Trump, but how about Bernie Sanders?

In the American Spectator, Dov Fischer writes,
...There is no end to the outrageous defamation and hyperbolic character assassination. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is tagged as “racist” by Buttigieg, a squirt from South Bend, who quickly has emerged as strangely obsessed with a perception that Israel is one of the world’s greatest problems. President Trump now regularly is tagged as “Racist!” — a term never used against him through the decades upon decades that he was in public life among the New York glitterati, left and right, Democrat and Republican, Clinton and Bush, and even hosted a wildly popular weekly television program on Leftist NBC. He was the darling of late-night talk shows. Jesse Jackson associated with him, Don King, Jim Brown. Suddenly, as he entered a Presidential race and emphasized the need to gain control over the national emergency at our southern border, he was coronated “Racist!” When he saw the chaos and violence and murder at Charlottesville, he forcefully condemned neo-Nazis and White Supremacist extremists, but he also observed that Antifa fascists on the Left also were in the mix and also are despicable, and he correctly distinguished that others among the demonstrators that day were decent people who simply wanted to protect historic monuments to great fallen Civil War heroes like Gen. Robert E. Lee. To this day, the Charlottesville “Racist!” hoax that has been leveled against the President is despicably employed whenever the Left and their media wing have an opportunity.

Indeed, in the early days of the Trump Presidential campaign, a similar concerted lie was propagated, tagging him as “anti-Semitic.” As insane as the charge was when leveled against a father of an Orthodox Jewish daughter whom he continues to cherish, a grandfather of Orthodox Jewish grandchildren he loves, a defender and supporter of Israel, and a lifelong friend of Jewish colleagues and employees, nothing seemed capable of stopping that defamation. CNN, MSNBC, all the Left media vehicles on air and in print, just kept pouring it on: “Racist!” “Anti-Semite!” “Homophobe!” “Islamophobe!” All lies, big lies. Damned Lies. And yet more Damned Lies. Such Left Media epithet-hurling now is part of the modern diction and practice of chilling speech and stifling honest debate. Irresponsible name-calling and lying.

...How to know whether Sanders merely is a Vermont socialist, a redistributionist from the state of Ben & Jerry’s and maple syrup, who wants to seize other people’s hard-earned assets and then redistribute them to the socially favored — or a true dyed-in-the-red Communist?

A first indicator has got to come from his having opted to honeymoon in the most repressive, criminally evil empire of its time: the former Soviet Union. What kind of American would honeymoon in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Of all the places to choose — Hawaii, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, London, Paris (of yore), Rome, Athens… heck, even the Dominican Republic — he goes to Communist Russia? To the place and government system that gave the world the Ukrainian Golodomor Holocaust, Babi Yar, the Stalin show trials, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, the Gulag Archipelago? A Purgatory in which Christians were begging the world to take note of their plight, and from which Jews throughout the world were fleeing by the hundreds of thousands to Israel and America, this Communist went to the Soviet Union and partied?

Nor was he jolted or stunned into reality by what he saw. Rather, he stood by his praises of Communist bread lines: “That’s a good thing!” Praised the beautiful train stations. Yes, and Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Likewise he praised Castro’s Communist Cuba. He attended the Communist Sandinista celebrations in Nicaragua and praised them. He described the Sandinistas as heroic, encouraging them to keep fighting to victory.

In 1974, running unsuccessfully in Vermont for the Senate, Sanders advocated the “public takeover of all privately owned electric companies in Vermont.” That is how it works in Communism. The Government takes over private sectors, one at a time, for the “common good.” Then, for the common good, the Government assures that everything will be free. Higher education — college tuition — will be free; it is a basic human right, like breathing. Medical care will be free. All people, regardless of whether they work, will be guaranteed a weekly or monthly paycheck from the Government to assure a good living wage. As Mark Levin has noted, the entire Bernie Sanders agenda is a page taken straight out of Josef Stalin’s Bill of Rights. Truly — The Bernie Sanders “Bill of Rights” nearly identically parallels Articles 118-122 from Stalin’s 1936 Constitution.
Read more here.

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