Thursday, June 20, 2019

It's Scott Adams, so let's suppress his voice!

Scott Adams always likes to think about persuasion. He thinks Trump's new slogan for 2020, "Keep America Great," is excellent persuasion. Because, even more than we want new things, we do not want to lose what we already have!

Reparations? Those who are talking about it are looking for an off-ramp. Once we have listened and talked about it, then we have an off-ramp. Black people may start a conversation that persuades rich people to provide opportunities for people of all races who are in the lower economic strata.

Scott believes Joe Biden now has zero chance of winning. CNN has turned on him! He creates a trap, then falls into it! The more they ask the question, "Is Biden out of step with 2019?" the more it becomes the news! Whoever becomes the candidate for the Democrats becomes CNN's brand! Do they really want that to be Joe Biden? No! Did they want to be associated with Mr. Cool, Barack Obama? Yeah!

CNN's Symone Sanders is apparently one who has spread the "fine people" hoax, misquoting Trump's Charlottesville comments. Scott shows how her defense of Joe Biden working with segregationists has trapped her into the same hoax.

Iran shoots down a drone. Is that what the future looks like? Wars where there are no humans involved! Whoever owns the sky will win every war if they care enough to fight it. Regarding Iran, will we take Lindsey Graham's advice and take out Iran's entire navy and their refineries? Scott ranks the odds at 50-50.

Will it be Elizabeth Warren vs. Donald Trump in 2020? Grandma vs. Dad? Her two biggest problems are that she is a lawyer and an academic. Trump understands that how people feel matters. Warren believes that how people think matters. It should be a Trump blowout if she is the candidate. Scott believes Kamala Harris is the sleeper.

Scott believes the risk of companies staying in China go up considerably. The big story is that nobody is going to move in.

Scott's advice: don't ever compare anything to the Holocaust and ditto with American slavery. AOC keeps getting more powerful because of our reaction to her. You can hate her politics but still respect her talent.

Is there anything you would want less than Facebook controlling your money?

Scott thinks this video will be demonetized by YouTube because he talked about the "fine people hoax." When he did it before they shadow banned him, hiding his traffic. It was human intervention. Someone is watching who thinks it is their job to suppress Scott's voice.

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