Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hungry at the red light

CoBlogger CBD writes in the Ace of Spades blog,
Horatio Alger is a punchline in modern-day America, where the trend is to decrease the amount of work required ...for pretty much all things...and to increase the leisure time possibilities. Work ethic is a dirty word, and work-life balance is the mantra.

But one of the predicates of American Exceptionalism is the assumption -- really, the requirement -- that hard work is the key. And it was, for a very long time. The marvel of America was that unique combination of hard work and drive and entrepreneurial spirit and raw intelligence.

If minority kids want to take over America by outworking us, then by all means; have at it! That's the kind of immigrant we want. Many of our ancestors were exactly that!
Read more here.

Here in New Mexico it seems that every busy intersection has someone sitting with a sign saying how hungry they are. Yesterday, while waiting at the red light, I asked one healthy-looking female in her early twenties why she was not working. She said, "I am a felon! I have no high school diploma or GED!" The light turned green before I could say much more.

The Walmart has about a 95% share of the grocery business in Espanola. There are always beggars waiting just outside the main entrance to hit up exiting customers for money. Inside the Walmart there is a table with signs saying "We are hiring." There are also signs saying that Walmart pays for their employees' college tuition and health insurance.

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