Monday, June 10, 2019

First Amendment Rights and Pride Month

During the first half hour of today's show, Andrew warns us again about the New York Times being dedicated to making sure we don't have First Amendment rights.

The rest of the program is a conversation between Michael Knowles and Andrew about Pride Month. Michael went to the march in West L.A. Most of the people there were straight. Unlike the old days when marchers emphasized that they were born gay, now the emphasis is on choice. People can choose to be gay today and something else tomorrow.

Most importantly, the ideology of the marchers was Leftist. In L.A. they were ant-Trump (who is not anti-Pride Month). In D.C. it was anti-Jewish. Jews were refused entry! The Woman's March also was anti-semitic. Andrew asks why are these marches Leftist? Do they actually think the Left is supportive to gay rights or women's rights? Michael says the parade is just a front for Leftism.

At the end Andrew highly recommends a book entitled Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution.

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