Friday, June 14, 2019

"biggest Leftist with a press pass of all time"

JJ Sefton has some thoughts about Trump's interview with George Stephanopolous.
Good morning kids. The weekend is here so let's get right to it. The big story the Democrat-Media-Complex is pushing is President Trump's "gaffe" and/or proof positive that he needs to be removed from office immediately and sent to Leavenworth or Old Sparky concerning his comment about accepting "dirt" on political opponents from foreign governments. Let's try and unpack a few things and put them into perspective. First, the question posed was a hypothetical. Second, and I'm no legal eagle, unless there is some sort of quid-pro-quo involved I don't see the strict illegality of accepting information regardless of the source (of course it behooves the recipient to vet the source and the material thoroughly). Third, the people who have their hair on fire over this are completely ignoring the fact that Hillary Clinton and company actually engaged and paid foreign powers, among them our geopolitical enemies, to manufacture "evidence" to be used not only as "opposition research" but as a pretext to pervert our courts in order to spy on Trump.

And, as egregious and blatantly criminal as that was, it's only one instance of Democrats up and down the line and over the course of decades colluding, conspiring and taking bribes from foreign powers for the purposes of monetary or political gain. Hello, Clinton Foundation and Global Initiative that was selling access to the State Department and presumed White House? Hello, enabling the sale of 20% of our uranium reserves to Russia? Hello Bill Clinton engineering the sale of top-secret missile technology to the Chi-Coms via Loral Space Industries? Hello Bill Clinton again selling the Lincoln Bedroom like it was a hot-sheet motel? Hello Obama provably accepting foreign campaign donations? Hello Teddy Kennedy secretly meeting with the Soviets in 1984 to sabotage Reagan's foreign policy vis a vis "Star Wars?" Hello Al Gore calling donors from his office at the White House? Hello, Obama actively interfering in the Israeli and Albanian elections? Hello, Joe Bidet using his influence to steer Chi-Com and Ukrainian business, no doubt for political influence, to his failure of a son? Hello, Obama in 2012 reassuring the Russians that he'll be more flexible after the election to sabotage and dismantle our nuclear deterrent? And so on, and so on, and scooby-doobie-doobie. (UPDATE: I almost forgot Adam Schiff-for-Brains being pranked by two Ukrainian comedians posing as Putin intelligence agents who offered to send him compromising dirt on Trump, and he told them he would have his assistants stay in touch with them. And that is recorded on tape)

So with that in mind, someone please tell me how Donald Trump, answering a completely hypothetical question about what he maybe might do in just accepting "dirt" without any quid pro quo involved is even remotely in the same universe as the aforementioned? Oh, yeah. Not Democrat-Leftist-Globalist. With that aside, let's get down to brass tacks on the practical implications of this "gaffe," if you will and if you consider them as such, the mistakes the President made. His biggest, some are arguing, is even sitting down with George Stephanopoulos in the first place. Considering Trump has spent the past two and a half years justifiably blasting what he accurately called "fake news" how can he not recognize that he is about to confront the biggest Leftist with a press pass of all time? The man was a co-henchman in the Clinton White House who helped engineer the total destruction of political enemies, real and perceived. The other one is, considering Trump is a master at messaging, I don't understand why, instead of taking the bait by answering Stephanopoulos' set-up question, he didn't immediately cite the phony dossier and force the little homunculus to go into Clinton defense mode? Opportunity lost IMHO.
Read more here.

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