Friday, June 21, 2019

A pitch perfect response?

JJ Sefton writes in his Morning Report,
...the president spoke about the downing of a US military drone by Iran as it was flying in international airspace and while everyone expected the angry, bloodthirsty OrangeManBad to nuke Teheran, his response was absolutely pitch perfect. He laid the blame squarely at their feet, but by speculating that it was some rogue trigger-happy general, he defused tensions while still keeping the heat and pressure on the Iranians without backing down. Secondarily, the markets appreciated his reaction, going from down 250 points to closing up 250 points after his remarks. Well played, Mr. President. You've pissed off the warmongers in the military industrial complex as well as made the media look like idiots... yet again. Look, the Iranian regime has got to go. They have been the single greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world, with the blood of scores of American soldiers and civilians on their hands. They want nukes not merely as a deterrent but because Armageddon for them is a desirable political end game. They must be eliminated. The question is, what should we do to hasten their removal?

The other issue at play here is the poorly concealed and treasonous activity of the former administration, particularly John Kerry, who is consorting with a sworn enemy and encouraging them to provoke this President. I personally do not think that the shooting down of the drone or the attack on the two tankers in the Gulf were accidents. Nor do I think the Iranians would have done that without being given some sort of assurance by Kerry and perhaps Obama and others that doing so would hasten Trump's departure and that sanctions will be lifted and the Nuke Deal will be reinstated. This is, to put it mildly, the height of folly. And I'll go on record as saying if war, in whatever form it might take, does break out, the fault will be with the traitors who are actively undermining the foreign policy of this administration.

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