Monday, May 06, 2019

"Your move, President Trump"

In American Greatness, Thomas Farnan writes that Facebook is a government protected monopoly.
...They have successfully sold themselves as inventions that are protected by intellectual property laws.

...In a healthy society, Facebook would have been reverse engineered 20 times by now, and the banned voices would simply take their business elsewhere.

The Department of Justice and federal courts act as their leg breakers, making sure nobody competes with them.

...With competition, Facebook would be reluctant to ban anyone who brings huge amounts of traffic to the site. Mark Zuckerberg would have to deal with an angry board of directors demanding to know why he thinks he has the right to offend important customers based on his personal political beliefs.

That is not happening because we have allowed our betters in Washington to organize society based on useless abstractions that serve them and their benefactors, instead of the common good.

...Maybe Facebook and other social media sites have chosen sides because they fear governance by the rabble and what that might mean to their preferential business model.

Your move, President Trump.
Read more here.

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