Sunday, May 05, 2019

"We need a digital bill of rights! Social media is the public square!"

Sundance writes in The Conservative Treehouse,
Unfortunately, federal political leadership is aligned with Big Tech’s goals and opinions. This is one of the issues where the UniParty becomes most visible. There is a history of similar common cause that might provide reference.

In 2010 when the Tea Party was targeted by President Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, the DOJ and IRS worked together to create the target list of voices they deemed adverse to their political interests. Because the establishment republican party was also a target of the Tea Party, the GOP and DNC viewed the Tea Party political rebellion as a common enemy. In 2019 and 2020 the same dynamic exists.

Populists, ordinary freedom loving Americans, are considered an enemy of the statists; adverse to the interests of the institutionalists. As a result DC politicians have no motive to confront Big Tech and their goals to silence voices based on inherent political views.

As Paul Watson articulates in the video below, we need a digital bill of rights. Social media is the digital public square!

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