Friday, May 24, 2019

"The race-baiting Al Sharpton signed the White House visitors’ book more than did any other visitor during the Wasted Obama Decade."

Writing about Kate Smith in the American Spectator, Dov Fischer asks,
...How can all her life’s work be obliterated so instantly by the kind of Truth Squad that tears down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, while elevating the race-baiting Al Sharpton to democracy’s kingmaker?

It is the kind of bald-faced hypocrisy and double standard that sometimes makes me rue the day I took an interest in the public sphere. The race-baiting Al Sharpton signed the White House visitors’ book more than did any other visitor during the Wasted Obama Decade. He ended up with his own television show. He portrays himself as a civil rights leader, and others complicit with the fraud, even though they have to know better in their inner selves, pay dutiful obeisance. Obama turned to Sharpton as he began his second Presidential campaign. Yet Sharpton has blood on his hands. He has been convicted in court of defamation. This is the Mad Kingmaker, the wormy Littlefinger, to whom every single Democrat seeking the Presidency first must turn for approbation and blessing, beseech, beg, and bend the knee?

All while Kate Smith’s recorded voice now is banned from belting out “G-d Bless America” from public arenas and stadia that played her rendition every day until a month ago.

This is the Metaphor of Hypocrisy for the New Age. May we in this land that we love see this long night end with the light from Above.
Read more here.

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