Monday, May 13, 2019

The old ruling class and the new ruling class

Norman Rogers writes in the American Thinker,
Trump came to office with a completely different set of policies that upend the former conventional wisdom about the economy, trade, defense, and energy. His policies are changing public and intellectual opinion. A new paradigm has arrived, and it’s gaining traction. This is a threat to the old elite establishment. They have to stop Trump and discredit him, or else the old establishment will be further discredited and will lose its ability to rule.

...If a new ruling class, inspired by Trump, consolidates power, many of the occupants of sinecures in government and education will be in danger of losing their jobs. Under the old elite, universities have become overfinanced monsters, exploiting students whose futures are mortgaged by student debt. This outrage is allowed to continue because the universities brainwash youth to support the old ruling class and because the universities provide intellectual support for the policies of the old ruling class. Under the old ruling class, the government has become heavily populated by time-servers whose continued employment would become unnecessary under a Trump-inspired reorganization of the government.

Change is a clear and present danger to those in charge. That is what is behind the fierce and illegal attacks against Trump. Trump is clearly best hope for the future of the USA. We are very lucky that Trump managed to outsmart the establishment and remain president.
Read more here.

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