Wednesday, May 08, 2019

How long will it take for this story to vanish from the media?

Let's look at the commenters at the Ace of Spades blog to see what they have to say about what is becoming known about the Colorado school shooting story.

Yudhishthira's Dice writes,
Everything about this runs counter to messaging.

The perps are gay and trans. Status: Bad story.

They used handguns (a pistol and a revolver), which they could not have obtained legally. Status: Worse story.

The school was secured by quick-thinking cops, but the attack was stopped by quick-thinking students, one of whom died for his efforts. Status: Unreportable story.

Watch this one vanish from the press.

Linus wrote in part,
When you go from pitying dysfunction or being a victim, to celebrating it?

You get more of what you celebrate.

Marcu T. wrote,
I'll tell you what. They may not have been "popular" in high school, but I guarantee that won't be an issue for these two in prison.

Our country is screwed wrote,
Maybe this would just be a "feel good" act, but the shooting victim Kendrick Castillo was a Marine recruit. Be nice if the Marine Corps sent an honor guard or somehow otherwise recognize/honor him. Not even an official Marine yet demonstrated tremendous bravery. We should remember his name and never ever mention the names of the shooters.

Marcus T. wrote,
Wow, what a surprise. A gay emo, antisocial, society hating shitbag, and his boy/girlfriend depending on the day of the week are also psychotic homicidal maniacs. I mean, boy, who saw that coming?

Moron Robbie wrote,
Damn! I'm sending out signals all over the place that I need help and they just keep calling it normal! I'd better up the ante!

Thatch wrote,
Police: "There were no warning signs something like this would happen."

"Fuck society" car is towed through frame in background.

Born Free wrote,
Media's take will be "they were bullied". Hence, blame the victims.
Read more here.

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