Saturday, May 25, 2019

Finding it Hard to Care

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

I have not been writing as many WoolyMammoth.Org essays lately ‘cause #1 I am finding it hard to care about politics and #2 I am too busy and/or too tired to take the time to write about much of anything. As oft times happens, real life necessities have taken priority over the plans I made while I thought I was still in charge of what happens during my days.

But, I have to admit that the first reason, finding it hard to care about politics, is the predominant cause of me not writing so much. While I am very much concerned about the future of our country, I just have such an overwhelming amount of concerns on my plate that some things have to be shoved aside and politics are among those that lose out to caring for my sick husband, my aging Great Dane, and my exhausted self. Not to mention family, grandkids, church, friends, other animals, property, and house.

I spend my days in a seemingly endless cycle of caring for someone or something. It starts about 7:30 am and runs until about 11:30 pm, with a scheduled wake-up call at 1:30 am to dispense meds and a snack. So, doing anything political, beyond occasional posts, comments, or likes online is just beyond me most days and many weeks.

However, I know that what I am doing is the most important work I can do in my life. I am caring for my eternal sweetheart and husband. I am also caring for my longtime canine companion. They both are in great need of my love and service. I am honored to be there for them. Putting my life a little bit on hold is a small price to pay for their continued health and quality of life.

I do care about politics, I just care about Pete and Blue a whole lot more. I am sure some people will find it odd that I am including my dog right up there with my husband, but anyone who knows us would understand. Pete worries about Blue more than he does about himself. And, Blue, frets over Pete when Pete’s having a bad day. So, in our little circle of life and love, we are all caring for one another. In fact, as I sit writing this in Pete’s library, I have a dog next to me as close as he can get and Pete is sitting reading in a chair behind me.

Politics fade fast when compared to Pete and Blue, and all my other personal real life concerns. Especially with the idiotic political scene we have right now where most of government and media are just focused on stopping a President who is actually improving life for Americans. Wow! How can I really care about that fiasco? The best I can do is care for my family, pray for my country, and vote for Trump in 2020. Life happens and so do miracles. I am hoping we get a miracle in 2020 and Trump gets the support he needs to keep improving our lot.

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