Thursday, May 02, 2019

"a sign that the worm is turning..."

One of the many people who were unimpressed by the Democrats in the hearing yesterday was JJ Sefton of the Ace of Spades Morning Report.
Good morning kids. Lead story for this Thursday is the Democrats' puerile, debased and loathsome display yesterday in attempting to publicly impugn and slander Attorney General William Barr. With absolutely zero ammunition with which to charge this President and his AG coming from Mueller's "Report," and only the 400-plus pages of non-prosecutable yet polticially-charged smears and insinuations cooked up by a team of highly partisan Clinton boosters, the Democrats did the only thing they could (apologizing to Trump and Barr being a nonstarter); they behaved as adolescent chimpanzees by flinging their own excrement and masturbating in front of the TV cameras for the benefit of their base. No doubt to get them to fork over campaign cash to the DNC or whichever member of the committee is running to be the Democrat 2020 nominee. Worst performances of the bunch were Maizie Hirohito and Da Nang Dick Blumenthal.

...Beyond the frothing at the mouth hatred of Trump and for some the refusal to believe the plain truth that there were no crimes, this mad display is only the beginning of a furious attempt to stonewall, obfuscate, derail or delay AG Barr's legitimate investigation of the abuses of power that led to the attempt to sabotage Trump's candidacy and then presidency. Hence the attempted character assassination as they did to Ken Starr back in 1998. Failing that, whatever charges may be laid at the feet of the players in the coup attempt will be painted as partisan political retribution. That was what we witnessed yesterday from the Democrats. But, this is not 1998 and we have a President and now an AG who is not going to take it. Plus, unlike 1998, we have a general distrust of the agitprop media, a distaste for the outright policy insanity coming from the Democrat Party, the visible and palpable success of Trump's policies (despite the attempt to cover them up ), and an awareness to all of it by more and more average Americans on a daily basis. As Michael Goodwin in the New York Post writes:

"It was politics at its most dishonest as they tried to argue that up is down and black is white. Barr was mostly stoic, but allowed himself a brief moment to brilliantly summarize the outlandish effort to twist reality...
...At one point, he talked of possible "overreach" by top officials, then added: "But what we have to be concerned about is a few people at the top getting into their heads that they know better than the American people."

At another point, he said, "We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon."

The references are unmistakable and the strongest sign yet that Barr suspects wrongdoing in very high places. It's also a sign that the worm is turning..."
Read more here.

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