Sunday, April 07, 2019

What took us so long?

In PJ Media, Rick Moran reports,
The U.S. is ready to name Iran's Revolutionary Guard a foreign terrorist organization, perhaps as soon as this week.

...The Revolutionary Guard is far more than a military force. They are an ideological organization under the direct command of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. The Guards are religious police, terrorists, assassins, a domestic spy agency, and are charged with spreading the Islamic revolution throughout the world.

It is the Guard's Quds Force that's at issue. The QF planned the assassination of Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S. They have carried out numerous assassinations of Iranian dissidents on foreign soil and are strongly suspected of being behind the 1994 attack on a Jewish center in Argentina.

So perhaps the question should be, what took the U.S. government so long?

...In truth, Iran can do nothing without incurring the wrath of the U.S. If they wish to attack U.S. forces, Guard facilities will be razed to the ground. And they know that as well as we do.

The Revolutionary Guard is the only thing keeping the rickety regime in power. Iran's economy is in tatters with high unemployment, meager foreign investment, and a declining energy infrastructure. Trump is ratcheting up the pressure on the clerics who run Iran, hoping that a breaking point will eventually be reached.

But as long as the Guard remains loyal to the regime, there's not much hope for regime change.
Read more here.

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