Monday, April 29, 2019

"We are the piggy bank that is being robbed!"

In the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance tells us that Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley
won’t allow Trump to expose the deep state corruption unless Trump concedes to Wall Street’s demands on trade deals.

It only took a few days for the evidence of this leverage move to surface as Grassley, acting on behalf of his K-Street donor – U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue, writes an Op-ed stating if Trump doesn’t drop the Steel and Aluminum tariffs, then he can consider the USMCA “dead”. An absolutely typical Decepticon move.

... the USMCA terms were negotiated with Mexico agreeing to them as constructed. Grassley is being intentionally obtuse; it’s not Mexico taking exception to the Steel and Aluminum tariffs, it is the U.S, specifically the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ie. Wall Street.

Iowa Senator Grassley is 100% owned by BigAG and President Trump has already given Grassley a big win with the continuance of a ridiculous ethanol subsidy. Now Grassley wants more on behalf of his benefactors.

This is what we are up against. Purchased politicians doing the bidding of multinational corporate interests and simultaneously trying to hide their motives. These are the worst of the Decepticons. This is why they can never be trusted.

...It is critical to think of BIG AG in the same way we already are familiar with multinational manufacturing of durable goods.

We are already familiar how China, Mexico and ASEAN nations export our raw materials (ore, coking coal, rare earth minerals etc.). The raw materials are used to manufacture goods overseas, the cheap durable goods are then shipped back into the U.S. for purchase.

It is within this decades-long process where we lost the manufacturing base, and the multinational economic planners (World Trade Organization) put us on a path to being a “service driven” economy.

The road to a “service-driven economy” is paved with a great disparity between financial classes. The wealth gap is directly related to the inability of the middle-class to thrive.

Elite financial interests, including those within Washington DC, gain wealth and power, the U.S. workforce is reduced to servitude, “service”, of their affluent needs.

The destruction of the U.S. industrial and manufacturing base is EXACTLY WHY the wealth gap has exploded in the past 30 years.

With that familiarity, did you think the multinationals would stop with only “DURABLE GOODS”?

They don’t.

They didn’t.
Sundance goes on to explain in wonderful detail how
massive multi-billion multinational corporations and institutions are aligned against President Trump.
Read more here.

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