Monday, April 01, 2019

"The culture war is real, and both the media and some major companies have chosen sides."

Christian Toto writes in Hollywood in Toto,
The pro-life film “Unplanned” over-performed this weekend against all odds.

The film earned $6.1 million from roughly 1,000 screens, about one-fourth of the number some mainstream movies receive on opening weekend. (For comparison’s sake, Disney’s “Dumbo” simultaneously opened on 4,259 screens).

“Unplanned” tells the true story of Abby Johnson (Ashley Bratcher), a Planned Parenthood director who becomes a fierce anti-abortion advocate. Pure Flix, the film’s distributor, says an additional 600 theaters will be added for its second weekend. The movie earned an A+ rating via CinemaScore.

...Team “Unplanned” got turned down by a number of TV networks who refused to show ads for the film. The list of high-profile channels includes Lifetime, The Hallmark Channel, USA Networks, The Travel Channel and HGTV.

...Twitter temporarily suspended the official “Unplanned” Twitter account smack dab in the heart of its opening weekend. Studios rely heavily on that weekend to build momentum, make up production costs and set the stage for a robust theatrical run.

...The culture war is real, and both the media and some major companies have chosen sides.
Read more here.

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