...It has been Mueller for two years, and it will be Mueller for another two years. It has been Democrats trying for two years to destroy the President, and it will be Democrats trying for another two years to destroy the President. Nothing new under the sun. “That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which hath been done is that which shall be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.”Eccl. 1:9. If one were to give a name to this story, my suggestion would be The Mueller, the Sun, and the Donkey.Read more here.
While nothing changed these past ten days or so, lots seem worth observing:
1. The Democrats Never Will Be Able to Wrap Their Heads Around the Reality That Other People Live Outside Their Echo Chamber.
When I attended Columbia University as an undergrad in the 1970s, the students’ daily newspaper polled the university campus shortly before the impending 1972 Presidential elections. George McGovern, the Democrat, got something like 90 percent of the vote. Gus Hall, the Communist for whom Obama’s CIA chief, John Brennan, voted (talk about treason and colluding with the Russians!), came in second. Richard Nixon did not do too well. Nevertheless, when the rest of the country voted in the real election, Nixon won the biggest landslide in American history. So how did the Columbia Daily Spectator poll get it so wrong?
The poll was not wrong within the leftist echo chamber… echo chamber… echo chamber of Columbia University. But others live outside the leftist bubble.
2. The Democrats Will Not Stop Hounding, Harassing, and Persecuting Trump Until Election Day 2020.
No one has a right to see his taxes. No American law requires it. At the time the Constitution was ratified, there were no income taxes. No Constitutional amendment ever has added a requirement for anyone to release taxes. Rather, it devolves onto candidates to weigh costs and benefits, risks and rewards of releasing their private tax filings for public scrutiny. Trump took the risk in 2016, and the Democrats made that financial opacity a campaign issue. It was litigated thoroughly. Yet Trump was elected President — end of story.
All that matters is whether Trump is a great President. Hillary’s decision to release her taxes in 2016 did not make her less a crook or any less pathological a liar who lied even about how her mother named her. Obama’s release of tax returns did not negate his corrupt real-estate dealings with Tony Rezko, a convicted felon. Bernie Sanders, millionaire, is a hypocrite. Irish-Scottish Robert O’Rourke is a liar who gives almost no charity. We knew that without their taxes.
Trump lawfully refuses to disclose his personal and corporate taxes.
3. There Was No Collusion.
4. There Was No Obstruction of Justice.
...Trump is not a legal expert; that is why he hires attorneys. He consistently deferred to them. Nothing he did obstructed justice.
...5. This All Is a Good Thing.
They lost the House in 2010 (242-193). Lost it in 2012 (234-201). Lost it in 2014 (247-188). Lost it in 2016 (241-194). Since being given a chance in 2018 to show their stuff, the Democrats have continued reminding voters daily why they got thrown out for a decade. Even a moronic electorate will not reelect representatives who consume themselves with their own little inside games while neglecting the public weal.
It will catch up with them. And it will be a good thing.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
"It will catch up with them. And it will be a good thing."
Dov Fischer writes in the American Spectator,
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