Conservatives, Christians under attack because our views are in the way of ‘progress’Read more here.
But even when we were winning at the ballot box, we were still losing the overall war. While we were focused on Obamacare, progressives turned to social issues to engage in the long-term battles over race, sex/gender, marriage rights, abortion “rights,” gun control, and over the last two years, socialism itself. While we were gloating over being able to nominate right-leaning judges, progressives were busy shifting the mindsets of the people to the point that all cultural discussions today are framed within a new normal of intersectionality and false equality.
They made “all lives matter” into a racist phrase while making “Black Lives Matter” an acceptable mantra.
They pushed for “equal rights” for those in the LGBTQ community by giving them more rights than others.
They made it acceptable for women to be granted privileges while making it evil for men to be granted the same. Three presidential candidates have promised to have a woman as their running mate if nominated. Imagine the outcry if a candidate promised a man would be named as their running mate.
They said the victims of the Christchurch terrorist attacks were “Muslims” while saying the victims of the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks were “Easter worshipers.”
They call Christians who believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman “bigots” but they say nothing when Muslim nations seek out gays for legal punishment.
Hypocrisy is no longer shocking when it comes from progressives because it has become so rampant, it no longer even registers on a conscious level. They’ve normalized their hypocrisy, and those who have fallen for the normalization need only the faintest sense of justification in order for them to suspend disbelief in the hypocrisy itself. So many have become sheep, unable or unwilling to break away from what should clearly be considered ridiculous on both an intellectual and emotional level.
I’m delivering very bad news for conservatives and Christians. The news is this: we’re in the way of what the progressives call progress and they’re the ones with the power to make our views anathema to the growing number of sheep. The progressives aren’t just in our schools and news outlets.
They control search. Google let’s us see what they want us to see, which means they won’t let us see what they don’t want us to see.
They control social media. The bias has been known for ages, yet sites like Facebook and Twitter still pretend it doesn’t exist. We should ask James Woods what he thinks.
They control the news aggregators. It’s bad enough the progressives dominate most news outlets. It’s even worse when Google News, Yahoo News, and Apple News push people to the left-leaning takes on stories. They’re not even shy about it.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Bad news for Christians and conservatives
In the NOQ Report, JD Rucker writes,
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