Friday, March 29, 2019

What the Trump candidacy and election hath wrought

An excerpt from JJ Sefton's Morning Report:
The end of another crazy week and almost the end of March. With all of the insanity swirling around us, if you step back and survey the cultural and political landscape of America (and the two are virtually intertwined in this day and age) from a high level, the picture presented is abject chaos. All of it emanates from the Democrat-Left-Media-Academia Complex and is catalyzed by a single entity that day after day proves to be a force of nature: President Donald J. Trump.

Look what his candidacy and even election have wrought. The dropping of whatever fig leaf of a pretense of objectivity the media may have had, the exposure of what has come to be known as a Deep State of both political appointees and bureaucratic lifers within our national law enforcement and intelligence communities who conspire and, er, collude, with one another and even foreign entities to abuse their power to subvert the will of the people and steer the nation to an unnatural globalist destiny. Then, having failed to sabotage the election to install their hand-picked figurehead (Hillary couldn't drive a Hoveround let alone an agenda), they used phony opposition "research" that no one believed, attached it to an intelligence file and used that as a pretext to smear the President-elect as a foreign agent who stole the 2016 election.

But while all of this was going on, the one thing that they did not count on was that Donald J. Trump punches back. Twice as hard, and right in the throat. And the harder he fought back the more shrill and nakedly partisan were the voices from the Democrats, Media and NeverTrumper Coup-Cuck-Clansters, which fomented incidents of violence and intimidation against ordinary people and political leaders. The other thing it did was touch off an internecine war within the Democrat Party between the pseudo-stealth Socialist old guard and the naked, in your face Shining Path Maoists. Suddenly, anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity, open borders, actual infanticide, killing field-level ludditism and the setting alight of whatever fragments of our Constitution and heritage remain in a Reichstag fire made by the Up-Talk-Brown-Shirt-Brigades was mainstream and playing all over the nightly news like a Sunday night Disney movie. This cannot be playing well in Peoria.

And all of this is happening because of the election of Donald J. Trump. But make no mistake; Trump himself is not really the cause of all this. Or at least, he is just half of the equation. The other half is a sizable number of Americans having lived through and survived the 24-year period from 1992-2016 - especially the last 8 - understood full well that something was wrong with the nation. Trump merely articulated the rage and more importantly the promise that something could and would be done about it.
Read more here.

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