Wednesday, March 13, 2019

"This round the Trump team must refuse absolutely to participate in any debate on any station until they carefully have approved the panel for neutrality and fairness."

Dov Fischer reports at the American Spectator that Fox News is upset about the Democrat National Committee's decision not to allow anyone from Fox participate in the 2020 primary debates.
If we want to watch a Democrat debate, we know how to find it. Obviously, Fox’s concern is that they want to be treated seriously as a bona fide news organization. Well, they are. They are more fair and balanced, even in commentary and certainly in their news division, than are any of the many, many shills for the Left. One way that Fox viewers know they are fair and balanced is that we all tune out or mute the volume so often daily as we encounter screechy Jessica Tarlov, or see the face of Chris Hahn or Richard Goodstein about to expel air. It is the “Fox Thumb Twitch” by which we mute the sound as soon as we see Juan Williams’s or Geraldo Rivera’s lips start moving, then twitch back to sound to hear Mark Steyn or Dan Bongino, then twitch back to mute as some Democrat shill or Leftist stooge gets on, then back to sound as that former ICE director guy or even Dershowitz gets started. Twitch, twitch.

...So now the Democrats want to protect their snowflake candidates from being questioned by real reporters when they instead can have Donna Brazile Wannabes passing along batting-practice questions like:

“Senator Sanders, how do you stay so young?”

“Vice President Biden, what was it like to know Barack Obama so intimately?”

“Senator Warren, what is your favorite beer, and can you do a Rain Dance?”

“Senator Harris, what was Willie Brown like in bed? Uh, I mean: What is your favorite brand of weed?”

“Senator O’Rourke, how does that title sound, and did you end up having any cavities?”

“Senator Booker, what did you like best about Spartacus?”

“Senator Klobuchar, what is the longest distance you ever have thrown a binder?”

“Senator Gillibrand, how do you stay so up-to-date so that you never are more than ten minutes behind the pack in changing your positions on any issue?”

In this season of madness, the message for Fox News is “Stand By Your Man” — whether it be Tucker or Sean or women like Laura, Martha, and Shannon. Don’t worry about not airing a Democrat debate. Let them get comfortable answering fluffy questions. But learn from this that your brand strength and viewer loyalty and corporate profits will not depend on Tom Perez but on how your stand by your core hosts.

...This round the Trump team must refuse absolutely to participate in any debate on any station until they carefully have approved the panel for neutrality and fairness.
Read more here.
Facebook blocked me and American Spectator from publishing this on their platform.

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