Tuesday, March 12, 2019

"They don't preach what they practice!"

In his hilarious opening monolog about the Democrats announcing their 2020 convention in Milwaukee, Andrew loses it after talking about Hillary talking to the rim of her toilet, promising to stop drinking.

One man with courage makes a majority. Tucker Carlson, with the backing of Fox News, has found the courage to stand up to the Left's Outrage Mob. Censorship, fake outrage, demonization and intimidation are used by the Left to silence people on the right. Let's hope that Tucker's courage continues and others follow his lead.

Media Matters is an organization that goes after powerful right-wing voices to silence them.

Tucker says when the Left attacks you, you must always pretend that the people yelling at you are somehow your moral superiors. You must pretend this is a debate about virtue, and not about power, that your critics are arguing from principle, not partisanship.

Andrew agrees and says the system is just a mirage for seizing power. Tucker agrees. "If you're in the way, they will crush you!" The Republicans know their place. "Nobody wants to be Trump!" Andrew points out that the Left did the same thing to George W. Bush. The difference is that Trump doesn't care!

Andrew plays clips from Stephen Colbert and Chris Cuomo ridiculing and bullying Tucker. Cuomo and Colbert know they have the backing of the rest of the media. Tucker has one: Fox News!

Drive your car into the water and kill your girlfriend: you're the Lion of the Senate (Ted Kennedy). Say you put women in binders (Mitt Romney) and you're out of here!

Andrew's guest was Lara Carno. Mother, may I? Do we know better than the government what is best for us? The betters versus the bumpkins. Abortion, marriage, schools, guns: are we smart enough to make our own choices. Why would we turn them over to the government to identify the problem. More control over people is the government solution. Should the government control the curriculum of our schools? When the government clamps down, things get worse. Laura's book: Government Ruins Nearly Everything: Reclaiming Social Issues from Uncivil Servants. Tighter gun control laws = more gun crime. Looser gun control laws = less gun crime.

Andrew concludes by noting that liberals don't preach what they practice!

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