Sunday, March 03, 2019

"The worst thing that came out about Donald Trump in the Cohen testimony is that he associated with a guy like Michael Cohen!"

After a hilarious opening monolog about the Cohen testimony, Andrew reminds us that politics make you stupid. It forces you to make black and white choices in a grey world. If you get super passionate about those choices instead of realizing the grey, you become simplistic. You have to boil down complex situations to simplistic yes or no votes.

The Left is trying to eradicate the differences between men and women, which is perhaps the best thing about the human condition! They are even willing to let babies die!

The media narrative changes rapidly in order to keep putting President Trump in the worst light possible. Before the summit with Kim, they were fearful that he would give away too much. After he walked away they portrayed him as a failure.

The worst thing that came out about Donald Trump in the Cohen testimony is that he associated with a guy like Michael Cohen!

Andrew's guest was Obianuju Ekeocha. Andrew called her Uju. She has a documentary called Strings Attached. She has a sparkling personality. During the Obama years we US taxpayers funded a UK abortion agency to go into African countries and perform illegal abortions. On the first day of Trump's presidency that stopped.

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