Sunday, March 17, 2019

Social justice progressivism and the West

In Quillette, Bo Winegard writes about Progressivism and the West.
...I have come to believe that the hostility to the West embedded in this kind of thinking and activism is a serious and growing problem. It is therefore critical that we understand the motives that drive it and the conditions that enable it, and that we challenge its erroneous assumptions and persuade others of its corrosiveness, preferably without alienating those who find it appealing but are also willing to listen to reasonable objections.

Social justice progressivism encourages at least six tendencies that are inimical to the norms, values, and ideas that have allowed the West to flourish.

...1. Misunderstanding Human Nature

...2. Elevating Victims and Encouraging Victimhood

...3. Encouraging the Censorship of Speech and Inquiry
Freedom of speech is likely “unnatural” in that humans do not readily create societies that protect and champion it; consequently, it took many centuries of near-incessant battle for those in the West to win it. The temptation, of course, is always to promote freedom for opinions one likes while encouraging censorship for those one doesn’t, especially if the disliked opinions are perceived as legitimately harmful to vulnerable populations. Because of its emphasis on victims and its contention that Western society is teeming with bigotry, progressivism makes this temptation virtually irresistible to believers.

...4. Eroding Due Process and the Presumption of Innocence

...5. Encouraging Mobocracy and Disproportionate Punishment

...6. Encouraging Contempt for the West and Its Icons
Go here to read how the author fills in his analysis of each of these six points.

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