Saturday, March 23, 2019

Politics of the Witch Hunt

Wes Walker writes in part at Clash Daily about the soon-to-be-released findings from the Mueller witch hunt,
Truth be told, it’s the #Resistance Democrats and RINOs who are suddenly having a problem with the findings.

Adam Schiff — who once told us all that he had personally seen ‘more than circumstantial evidence that Trump associated colluded with Russia’ is looking really pathetic at this point. Is he slinking back under whichever rock he came out from?

Of course not. He’s front-and-center promising to ‘subpoena Mueller’ AND his evidence if necessary.

‘AND his evidence?’ Oh, really..? We’ll come back to that in a moment.

Schumer and Pelosi are also demanding the full release.

Stop for a moment and think about what it is they are demanding.

“Democrats seem to be demanding that the Justice Department reveal derogatory information about Mueller’s witnesses even if they’re not charged with a crime.” — Politico

They think the public has some right to the full release of everything Mueller has dug up, not just the report, but the evidence he used to write it up.

That would include, don’t forget, all manner of confidential communications between Trump and his lawyer for which attorney-client privilege has already been violated by the State.

That would include millions of documents supplied willingly by the White House to comply with a criminal and/or intelligence investigation…

That would include any grand jury testimony which might include some combination of valid and invalid accusations against parties not present to defend themselves. Allegations which were not subject to cross-examination or even given with a judge present…

What are they really after?
Ultimately, the Democrats are REALLY demanding free oppo research be given to them courtesy of the government dime.

Mueller’s job was that of Prosecutor, to gather information sufficient to condemn or indict if it existed. The evidence was either sufficient for that purpose or it was not.

The Democrats want not just the reports, but also the unfiltered, untested allegations made against Trump and his associates.

Can you, in your wildest dreams, imagine Democrats making such demands if Mueller had been looking into Hillary?

Where were these same Democrats and their demands for transparency when Obama’s ‘Wingman’ was in contempt of Congress concerning the Fast and Furious investigation which was directly linked to the death of an American Law Enforcement Officer?

Last we checked, criminal prosecution is not the job of Congress. The powers of investigation and prosecution fall within the scope of the Executive Branch.

But the Democrats don’t like the idea of separation if it interferes with a witchhunt… it’s looking more and more that what they REALLY wanted was to be Trump’s judge, jury and executioner.

Which means if they don’t get the result they want with Mueller, they’ll just keep fishing. This from the same people who held Mueller up as the Gold Standard for so long, and insisted that we accept whatever findings he come up with.

Isn’t this exactly like what Hillary did when she accused Trump of being unwilling to accept the results of the election (remember her ‘smooth transition of power’ speech?) — and then spending the next couple of years refusing to accept the results when she herself lost?

The Trumpinator: every time his rivals think they’ve got him down and out, he stands back up and keeps on coming.

They laughed when Trump announced his candidacy. They thought of him like some kind of a circus act. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
Read more here.

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