Sunday, March 10, 2019

"It's way past time that Progressives exercise their power in this country!"

Does anyone know the name of the man who does these "Mr. Reagan" videos? I just added my name to his 106,000 subscribers.

"Mr. Reagan" claims that the people behind Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are all about power and control. They plan to run primary campaigns against incumbent Democrats all over the country with the goal of controlling the Democratic Party first and eventually America.

Who are these people? One is the creator of the Young Turks, the largest online news commentary show in the world, "Cenk (pronounced Jenk") Uygur. The Young Turks were the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide in the early 20th century

Another is the guy who was a top official in the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016, Saikat Chakrabarti, a devoted follower of Subhas Chandra Bose, who called himself a Socialist and said, "Our philosophy should be a synthesis between Nazism and Communism." Chakrabarti was in the news last week and faces an FEC investigation for allegedly moving $885,000 dollars illegally in the 2018 campaign.

Another is an Alinsky style organizer, Zack Exley, who worked for Bernie in 2018. All are skilled users of social media. They call their organization the Justice Democrats. They ran primary campaigns for 79 candidates in 2018. 26 of them won their primary elections. 7 of them won their general elections and are now in Congress.

I found this video because CBD at Ace of Spades linked to it.

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