Monday, March 11, 2019

"In the womb or out, the far left believes it’s the mother’s decision whether to allow her own child, her helpless and dependent flesh-and-blood offspring, to live."

Georgi Boorman writes in the Federalist,
...Abortion is a pregnant woman employing lethal means to terminate her responsibilities as a mother. It is not an effort to protect “women’s autonomy” or “women’s health.” This is the entitlement leftists are cowing the rest of their party into supporting unconditionally.

Again, if a mother is dangerously ill because of her pregnancy, the baby can be delivered. If a mother can’t bear the responsibility of parenting, she can carry her baby to term then allow her to be adopted. Gestating a baby is not a violation of autonomy, but a natural possible outcome of sex, an act between autonomous and consenting individuals.

The only time one can say pregnancy violates autonomy is if a woman becomes pregnant by rape––but even then, the child is innocent in the matter. As a human being, he is endowed by his Creator with a right to not be murdered, and that natural right supersedes the loss of autonomy for nine months. Moreover, abortions in cases of rape are estimated to constitute about 0.54 percent of all abortions and can’t be used to justify the other 99.46 percent of abortions that leftists staunchly support.

...In the womb or out, the far left believes it’s the mother’s decision whether to allow her own child, her helpless and dependent flesh-and-blood offspring, to live. Expect to see more obstruction of protections for live infants, because Democrats don’t believe in their own propaganda. They believe something far, far more terrible.
Read more here.

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