Tuesday, March 12, 2019

"If you're in the way, they will crush you!"

Tucker explains how the Outrage Mob works and how the other side pretends nothing is happening. Republican leaders are controlled by the Left. They know exactly what they are allowed to believe and say.

But, maybe the Left's moral puffery is a costume! The Left's main goal is controlling what you think! In order to do that they have to control the information you receive. Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are happy to ban unapproved thoughts. So are just about every media organization except Fox News' opinion hours. The Left demands total conformity. Since the day we went on the air they have been working hard to kill this show!
Apologize when you are wrong, but never bow to the mob!

In the next segment, Tucker asks his guest, Tammy Bruce, an "old fashioned liberal feminist," why does she think the Left wants to stifle dissent? Tammy said it is because the Left doesn't rely on ideas. They rely on fear and division and controlling people within that framework!

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