Sunday, March 03, 2019

"I am not willing for someone to waive a moral flag and then tell me what I have to say!"

"Most people find deep meaning in life as a consequence of bearing responsibility for themselves and others, and the heavier the responsibility, the better!

Biology matures women and the responsibility that comes along with that. Men need a catalyst. Taking responsibility (see first paragraph).

What people believe is what they act out. I act as if God exists. It's a matter of action and commitment. A metaphysical reality that's virtually impossible to comprehend. By their fruits, ye shall know them. You risk when you reduce. Human beings have a spark of the divine in them. I talk about what I know and leave the rest alone. I am not going to make statements reflecting a certainty that I don't have."

What is your approach to truth? "I try not to say things that make me weak. I believe you must pay attention to every word you say. Say what you believe to be true and take the consequences."

Why are you afraid of being weak? "It's essentially fear of Hell! If you make yourself weak, and you suffer stupidly because of it, you will become bitter, and after you become bitter you will become vengeful and once you become vengeful there is no limit. You make yourself weak by engaging in deceit. You fail to take responsibility and you torture yourself."

Why are so many on the Left afraid of you? "They have every reason to be afraid. I am not a fan of collectivists. I am not a fan of people who put group identity first. I am not a fan of people who would dare to identify as Marxists after what happened in the 20th century. I am no fan of right-wing collectivists either. The right level of analysis is the individual, and that's what the West got right.

Are you a political centrist? "I am not political! It's a matter of your relationship not only to your conscience but to your soul! I am not willing for someone to waive a moral flag and then tell me what I have to say! That's not happening!"

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