Thursday, March 28, 2019

"How Obama, Hillary, and Brennan carried out the crime of the century."

In Big League Politics, Patrick Howley reveals details of how Obama, Hillary, and Brennan carried out the crime of the century.
The “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” plot against President Donald Trump is now exposed for the world to see, with special counsel Robert Mueller coming up empty in his quest to pin Trump with Russian collusion or obstruction of justice.

We have explosive information about this scheme, including the involvement of former president Barack Obama, Obama intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, the Fusion GPS set-up agent Natalia Veselnitskaya, and even foreign leaders including Angela Merkel.

This article will firmly demonstrate the following:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign used the Christopher Steele dossier before their involvement was covered up
Senior Obama administration officials secretly plotted to involve senators in the “Russia” conspiracy
James Clapper tried to use the “Russia” narrative to get the Supreme Court to invalidate Trump’s presidency
Natalia Veselnitskaya was a Fusion GPS set-up agent who worked out of an Obama official’s office in D.C.
Peter Strzok ran point on destroying General Flynn and covering up for Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama used foreign powers to keep the scheme going, even after he left the Oval Office to President Trump.
Read more here.

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