Thursday, March 07, 2019

Democrats' anti-Semitism

David Harsanyi writes in the Federalist,
This week, the Democratic Party was unable to pass a watered-down platitudinous resolution condemning anti-Semitism, due to “fierce backlash,” from presidential candidates, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), and the now-powerful progressive base. Rather than censuring Rep. Ilhan Omar, the intellectually frivolous Hamas-supporting freshman representative from Minnesota, she was rewarded and inoculated from party criticism.

...We shouldn’t exaggerate the prevalence of hate crimes in America, which are low, but it’s certainly worth pointing out that Jews are the target of 60 percent of all those crimes—a far larger percentage than anyone else. In New York City, there have been at least 36 hate crimes against Jews so far this year so far.

...The number of people defending Omar on the risible grounds that Muslims should be immune from criticism isn’t surprising when you realize that identity politics demands strict adherence to the hierarchy of victimhood.

...In truth, Pelosi’s first watered-down resolution would have passed with most Republicans voting for it, and a number of Democrats defecting. This would have been embarrassing. So she promised to dilute it, and even that wasn’t enough for Democrats. Now, leadership is poised to pass some pointless resolution condemning all hatred. Omar, an intellectual lightweight, is certainly a problem for America. But the fact that Democrats apparently believe what she says is fine, is an absolute disaster.
Read more here.

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