Thursday, March 14, 2019

"But at least I'm not a "journalist" from Vanity Fair"

Andrew: "I'm a conservative because I'm a liberal!" Liberalism, as Andrew defines it, is "You doing you and me doing me...and you paying for you and me paying for me." Freedom, responsibility. It is only the Left that wants to shut people down. It is only the Left and the altRight crazies that want to maintain the illusion that race matters in matters of politics. Leftism is the enemy of liberalism!

Beto is Obama in white face, which may not work out that well for him. He is charming and optimistic and bouyant and the Left looks at him and thinks, electable! He told 60 Minutes and several other outlets that he was not going to run for president in 2020, but he is! I will say that I love the way his wife looks at him. What a beautiful smile she has. The Vanity Fair piece on him is here.

Maria Espinoza is Andrew's guest. She is the national director of the Remembrance Project which remembers people who have been killed by illegal immigrants. Because of Sanctuary Cities, it seems that illegal immigrants are untouchable in America. Is there an emergency? "Absolutely!" It is political theater, games. No one has done anything because no one (among politicians) wants to! She has just returned to Texas after being in the D.C. swamp for two years.

Andrew asks her about her experiences in the swamp. One example she gave was a time when she took grieving "Angel moms" to meet with Speaker Paul Ryan at his home in Wisconsin. He was wisked away without even saying hello to Maria's group.

Andrew's final reflection was on comedy today. Jay Leno wishes for a return to civility on late night comedy. Leftists know they can turn on late-night t.v. to get their ideas reinforced. Johnny Carson warned about that self-important feeling one gets when dealing with serious issues every night, and he was opposed to doing that. Andrew says that conservatism is the liberal philosophy. When conservatism no longer allows its opposition to speak, if there comes a time when conservatism starts to sort people according to race or gender categories it will lose people like Andrew. But right now the party of hate and exclusion and illiberalism is the Left.

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