Sunday, March 10, 2019

Annoying Leftist buzzwords

After CBD's article in the Ace of Spades blog today he asked commenters to list the most annoying buzzwords of the Left. Ace of Spades commenters refer to themselves as morons and moronettes. As of this post there are 477 comments! I wish I could get that many comments on this blog!

Some moron wisdom from today's commenters:
The way Obama would frame the issue used to get on my last nerve. Always trying to make himself seem above it all. ..
Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 10, 2019 02:39 PM (gC2IV)

Barry knew his audience. His audience wasn't you and me. It was the DNC and Republican Establishment.

Barry showed them all as the cucks they were. And he knew he could push them as far as he wanted. Because he knew he was doing what they wanted. He was just brazen enough to openly call their bluff.
Posted by: The Artist Formerly Known as SD

I wasn't knocking Reagan, who was a closet intellectual.

Trump is a rarity, as he didn't need to assemble an inner circle of rich backers.

Which is why so many in DC hate him. They can't broker backroom deals.
Posted by: Ignoramus

Undocumented immigrant = Per the news agencies, an illegal alien that is not under arrest and on the news after a drug raid, prostitution ring bust, human trafficking, etc.

Mexican national = One that is.
Posted by: Moron Robbie, search engine expert

"the ________ community"

As if every single member of that group thinks exactly alike. Yet for some reason only the activist spokespeople do the talking, with MSM complicity/lazy reporting.
Posted by: Hands

She (AOC) said 200,000,000 is 40% of America
let's do some math shall we: 200,000,000/.4 = 500,000,000
When did our population jump to 500,000,000
Posted by: Lemmiwinks

Time will tell, and my confidence in/respect for the American electorate has been nil for some years, but I am baffled by all the fear/excitement about this one bimbo. Her "ideas" aren't ideas, and in any case don't travel well outside young/dumb/racist/race-grievance-driven territory. Witness the scorn heaped on the Green New Deal, and the response of most established Dems (running from the camera, being caught mocking it in private).

AOC is not on my radar as a problem. Of course, not much room on the screen for her. Constitutional unraveling, a judiciary that has just about taken over key executive functions, a GOP that was/remains almost entirely useless and in fact dangerous, the complete disappearance of anything resembling a real press (with all the implications for an open representative form of guvamint), collapse of the rule of law (not just the literally unbelievable rot in the DOJ and FBI and intel community, but the "sanctuary" nonsense), and ..... well, that's it, the screen is full.
Posted by: rhomboid

" I even read it in a Lenten devotional this week-"Jesus was an intersectional figure. "

The stupidity of this floors me. Jesus as woke SJW.
Posted by: Donna&&&&&&V.

Lefty words that piss me off are "common sense" and "comprehensive" usually used together as in "common sense comprehensive gun safety legislation". That means some asshole wants to take good ol' Bill's guns away.
Posted by: bill in arkansas at March 10, 2019 03:20 PM (xzqr4)

One that pisses me off is "smart," as in "smart diplomacy," or a "smart grid."

Particularly when bleated by the cognitively disenfranchised.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

And another one. Women's health care = abortion.
Posted by: Duke Lowell

our children
Often said by childless leftist,

Pretty sure it was Jocelyn Elder before a Congressional committee (confirmation? Don't recall) who blathered on and on about 'the children'.

Finally, one Senator (or Rep?) said to her, "Ms. Elder, from your comments, I gather that you care as much or more about my children than I do".

Elder: "Oh, I do, Senator. I do!"

Senator: "Really? What are their names?"
Posted by: Mike Hammer

The dividing line between us and them is getting clearer and clearer. There is no more middle.
Posted by: sharon

There is no more middle.
Posted by: sharon at March 10, 2019 03:27 PM (QzF6i)

And the middle will figure this out.

I suggest bringing together a group of young charismatic Venezuelans and Cubans who are fighting socialism and put them on a college tour.
Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice

Go here to read all the Leftist buzzwords that most annoy readers of the Ace of Spades blog.

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